Saturday, January 31, 2009

Opening thoughts

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out the blog. I offer my greetings and prayers of thanksgiving to all that have made this dream possible. Max asked if I'd write from time to time since I've got a good deal of survival/tracking training as well as personal experience. I'm honored to do this and hope that it proves useful in some way.
I have long been praying to find others who'd be willing to embark on a journey like Reinvent09. Since finally joining facebook several months ago I've been trying to reach out to folks that are part of wilderness immersion programs, tracking schools, anarchist groups, etc. I hoped that I would find/create a group of like-hearted individuals that yearn, as I do, to reconnect with our ancestral selves, to know what it feels like to answer only to our truest needs and our simplest primitive desires, to set aside all the distractions and conflicting adjectives that cloud our minds and perceptions, thereby enabling us to hear the song of creation. This song alone can liberate us from the bonds of our tired, tomb-like cocoons, into the splendor of our authentic selves and the uniquely perfect dance of freedom that is both our heritage and our birthright!
I've been making lots of wondeful new friends in my journey, many of whom share a similar vision. There has been no one, however, that is willing to entertain the notion of really living this vision. Don't get me wrong, there's an army of awesome individuals out there doing really great and inspiring work, and they're devoting their lives to it. It's just that everyone seems (i.e. I may be wrong) content to try and change the system from within. To run schools and programs that take people out of their normal realm of thinking and acting, to empower them with some self-reliance skills and arm them with some ancient ancestral wisdom.... only then to send them back to their normal lives of competition and consumerism. I understand that lives are changed in the process, and a person's level of competitiveness and consumerism is lessened by these experiences, and that's all very good and important stuff. I'm just not convinced that it's going to save us from the storm that's brewing on the horizon.
I often look at it like this... few people would disagree that we, as a species, have strayed at least a little from the path of being good stewards of this planet and all its inhabitants. Few would disagree that that is the path we were once on and ultimately should get back on. So when someone's hiking in the woods and they stop and realize that they've gotten all caught up in their thoughts and failed to notice that they're no longer on the trail to wherever they were going, what options do they have? Assuming they still want to get where they were going, they can either back track to the point where they stepped off the trail, or they can change course and try to intercept their trail somewhere near where they would have been had they remained on course. Well I personally don't see anything wrong with backtracking, going back to how we used to live when were were not yet a blight on this beautiful planet. Most people are so caught up in the web of progress, however, that this idea is utterly abhorrent to them. That would be a total admission of guilt or stupidity or something else that they're equally unwilling to come to terms with in themselves. Fine, so let's take the other option and strike off into the untamed wilderness that lies between the here and there, and we'll bring with us what we need or otherwise feel we absolutely can't live without, and we'll see if we can't someday make our way back to that yellow brick road. Sounds good to me, however most people are nearly as reluctanct to pursue this option for the simple fact that you can't take as much shit with you when you're bushwacking as you can when you're on a trail..... "What do you mean, I can't take my blow dryer and my crystal martini glasses?! Fuck it then! Fire up the bulldozers and we'll make a new path to the promised land! And while you're at it, fire up the blenders, too. Might as well have a drink while we're improving upon nature's perfection, right?"
Well, it's usually agood time for me to get off my soap-box once the expletives start flying around. I don't know any of you and don't want to piss in yer shoes on our first date, hahahaha.

Best wishes,

Destroying Angel

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